It has been such a fast and crazy year! First the unexpected birth of my son Joseph. Then, the beginning of Beautifly. Just those 2 adventures were and still are full of surprises!. My son doesn't stop surprising me with his determination and with his new discoveries every day. This December we decided to cut down our own Christmas tree from a Tree farm 1 hour away from home. It was exciting for the kids because they wanted to pick the "PERFECT" tree. They loved the hay ride to the location. It was even more special that the grandparents and uncle came along. My son Jonavan was so happy...he had a permanent smile on his face. He even said "This is the best family fun day!" and even though it wasn't something I would like to do again...what my son said made everything all worth it. I think I'm more of a fake tree kida person. I don't have to water it and it holds all my ornaments..hehehehe..
My Boys went on a trip with their Grandpa to Santa's Town in College Station this year. They came home with all kinds of stories and goodies. Maybe next year..we'll do that instead. They took pictures with Santa, went on a hay ride at night and saw a bunch of little villages full of decorations and lights, they fed some deer, rode some ponies and roasted their own food. I love the Christmas Holidays because everything is just so magical for the children!
As for me..I've been busy doing Christmas photos. This was new to me and I was really caught off guard a little. I must say though..not too shabby for my 1st year! Everyone loved their photos and after all..that's all that matters. Next year, I will take our family portrait waaaayyy before the rush because we didn't get to take any this year. As always..I'm behind the camera and really don't have many people who would take our photo. Boooo...
One thing that I've learned this Holiday season is to think ahead 3 months in advance. So, I'm already getting ready for Valentine's day. BOUDOIR BOUDOIR BOUDOIR...what better gift to give that special someone in your life? It's unique, beautiful and intimate. Only for his eyes..LOVE IT!
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