The Cutest Couple Contest is over! That was a crazy competitive contest, right up to the last seconds!!. I had 18 couples enter the contest and they all did an Amazing job getting their family and friends to vote. I'm excited to do their sessions...that will be FUN! One of the sessions is scheduled for this month but the other two won't take place until next year.
October is one of my favorite months of the year. The weather is the best..the humidity is low (good hair days for me...YAY!) and it's just perfect..not too hot or too cold. What I love the most is the SHOPPING for new outfits part...I mean really...who doesn't love to shop? My boys look so cute with their sweaters and their beanies! LOVE IT! As for me... I love the boots, sweater, scarfs and all the dark colors..my Fav!
Usually when this season comes around for some reason I get this urge to scrapbook! I try to get organized because believe me...I have hundreds and hundreds of photos that need to be displayed somehow. Every photo has a story to tell and what better way to tell it than in a scrap book? I try to do one each year but, it's impossible with my schedule...so, I'm behind a few years!
If I'm not wiping noses, changing diapers, feeding the baby, washing, folding...basically being a Mom to 3 boys and a wife, sister, friend and daughter...I'm working. It has gotten a little crazy around here lately. Joseph (8 months) is crawling all over the place. He's like a little scavenger...looking for everything and anything to put in his mouth! Jesse (9) is doing fractions in school...(I HATE DOING FRACTIONS) and Jonavan (5) is learning to write!
My Husband helps me as much as he can. He too just took on a little new venture of his own and life has gotten a little easier but for some reason, a lot more demanding.
This month marks 1/2 a year since I decided to go forth with Beautifly Photography. So far..so good! It's been so MUCH FUN! I've done 20+ sessions, have met so many new people! IT'S GREAT! My goal is to give each family their own stories to tell with the photos that I provide for them....you know.....MEMORIES THAT WILL LAST A LIFE TIME, ART TO DISPLAY IN THEIR HOMES!
God knows that I went into this with only a vision...nothing else. So, anyone that asks for my services is a Blessing and I count every single one of them.
I'm doing weddings next...and no...I don't have all the fancy equipment but, I have my ideas and the little knowledge that I've learned in these past 12 years, with that....we'll see how it turns out. I will definitely keep you posted! (Pray for me...heeeheehee)